Friday, February 18, 2011

Future of the blog

All frogs aside, as I continue to head in a direction of mindful peace, I am going to continue writing this blog a bit differently than I have in the past.

When I started this, I was in a place of tragedy upon tragedy, so most of the posts were about overcoming tragedy. Even long before my marriage ended, it seemed I was in a constant place of crisis (and I was).

I heard somewhere that if you live your life and act in ways not in accordance with your thoughts or beliefs, you will never be happy (actually I think this is a Buddhist belief, maybe from the Tao) and that is what I was doing – my actions were not in accordance with my beliefs. I was living in a place and in a life I no longer belonged in. The person I was with did not even have the same beliefs as I did – about anything. Including how we lived our day-to-day lives. Because of trying to do what was “right” and following through on commitments, I tried to make a round peg fit in a square hole. The longer I kept up this charade, the more I became unhappy. I became an expert on changing my thoughts to make myself “feel” happy and finding ways to improve my own life, but what I didn’t realize is that the foundation of the house had crumbled, and with it I was denying myself the happiness that was waiting out there for me. No matter how many coats of paint or reinforcement I tried to smather on the situation, those walls were destined to fall. And they fell hard.

Of course, after the walls fell I still had plenty more crisises to deal with. I was learning and using techniques to deal with the crisis bit by bit. As I found a safer place where I was recovering from the situation and moving away from it (with legal protection from HIM), that is when I started to write. Most of my writing dealt with my suffering and techniques to help others overcome it. And it was also therapeutic for me to write down my thoughts.

However, I am not in a place anymore of tragedy upon tragedy rocking the metaphorical boat of my daily life. I have pieced my life back together, over a year later. I am still taking new steps to change my life for the better day after day. I am honest with myself now, and my beliefs and actions are in accordance. Amazing how long it took to climb out of my difficult situation, yet how quickly wonderful things now fall upon my life like raindrops, drenching me in blessings.

So, the blog will be thoughts, things happening in my life, entertaining stories, travels, and any other poetic musing I feel the need to share. Some entries will still have Mara undertones as Mara is always present but not controlling my life, but it won’t be focused on Mara. This will help me to post more often – about happier things, lighter things, things consistent with my current life.

I hope you keep reading :)

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