Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cherishing the little moments

Last night, it was super hot and I worked and had class until about 9 p.m. It was one of those evenings where the air was thick and humid and the crickets were playing a symphony all around me. I had a hard day...actually a hard week, dealing with a multitude of difficult things that included conflicts at work, cram time at school, people I care about talking behind my back, personal/legal issues....etc. etc.

Yet, after a hard day and a hard week, on a dark, hot, night, I left class, rolled down the windows, drove down an empty road and sang "Two Pina Coladas" at the top of my lungs. That country song is not particularly a favorite song or even a favorite artist of mine, (tell you the truth I don't even like Pina Coladas), but it happened to be on the radio, and it worked in the moment.

You know the song..."Bring me two pina coladas, one for each hand, let's set sail with captain morgan, never leave dry land....troubles I forgot 'em, buried 'em in the sand..." etc .

Picture this: I had no traffic, a beautiful humid night, hair flying in the wind, and a fun song on the radio. It was all I needed to cherish one little happy moment of my day. Even if it was the only one.

You can often find me singing out loud in my car. It's something I do. I also sometimes talk to myself, working through the issues of the day, thinking out loud. Other times I may have a Dane Cook (comedian) CD playing, laughing out loud to stand-up that I have heard several times before but still find funny, or intently listening to an audio book.

I am one of those people who enjoys driving time by myself. It helps me to unwind, and I love music so it gives me a moment to just "be" and enjoy some tunes. A break to reflect. I often drive an extra block or two just to listen to the end of the song. (I've sometimes accidentally driven an extra block or two just because I was so intently thinking about

But when I had my drive last night, I had a mindful moment where I stopped and realized how important what I was doing really was. I realized that it's moments like those that keep us alive. It's in those moments when we (badly) sing at the top of our lungs and enjoy the little things in this God-given life on earth, that we know that we will presevere.

It's in these moments that we are most un-reachable, the most un-touchable, by Mara or any other negative influence in our lives.

Speaking of negative influences, I have found recently that some people really don't like it when someone is strong, and happy. My students like to call these people "haters." Say what you will about me, but I love this world, I cherish my life, and I will continue to do so regardless of the things that have happened to me. I have no choice but to move on and try to be happy. I ask anyone who has a problem with it - what would you do if you were in my shoes? 

Do you know someone right now who may be having a hard time? What can you do for them? Are you doing anything negative...what kind of comments might you be making that could make the situation worse? What if someday you find yourself in that situation? How would you want them to treat you? Remember this always: Love your neighbor. So there's my two cents about the negative, gossipy people out there.

And, fellow car-singers - belt it out. It's good for ya.

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